Yes, it’s still around! Over the past few weeks, images of glowing blue bioluminescent beaches have emerged from Southern California. The bioluminescence is caused by dinoflagellates (a type of plankton) that light up when…
Adventure California Photography USA
Have you ever wanted to swim with manatees? There are very few things that will get me up at 4am in the morning and into frigid waters…one of those being the chance to swim…
Introducing Iceland photography: with long hours of sunlight in the summer, and 4-5 hours of Golden Hour(s) in the winter, Iceland has endless photographic opportunities. It’s no wonder that over the recent years, the…
One of the most wonderful things about traveling is taking and sharing photos from around the world! I’ve collected my list of the best travel photography apps below, from software that helps convert your photography…
Apart from buying the right equipment and reading up on how to take the best travel photos, editing is one of the most important aspects of having great pictures! It ensures that your photos reach…
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What are the most beautiful places in Iceland, especially for photographers? In order to answer this, I have to rewind to the most commonly asked question: “What’s your favorite country you’ve been to?” For…
One of the biggest questions I get is how to see Bolivia’s salt flats. You may have seen photos of what seems like a mirage of endless skies, or an indiscernible landscape that makes…
What are the things to do in Palau? Situated in the western Pacific Ocean, Palau is renown for its unique islands, jellyfish lake, and superb scuba diving (especially wreck diving), and is starting to become…
The most common question I get asked is, “How do you photograph the northern lights?” Whether you’re in Iceland, Norway, or Alaska, northern lights photography has to be one of the most difficult yet rewarding…